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Finance/ Accounting





Our present it is interesting, our future is unknown but we know that our organization is going to grow, the market which we are part have been increased since 1980, our beginning will be very hard our expenses and our debt, evidently overcome our profits, thinking of the first month of operations. That's why we have examined three possible scenarios about our business.


A month scenario


Realistic scenario:

The first month, being aware that few know about our organization and despite being a place of great transcurrent, the mall where we operate is new and because of that, it will be difficult to find customers there are still many emptied premises. for all this we expect to sell at least 4 chargers day on average, which generate us as shown in the balance sheet 1500000 pesos of  utility  and although there is lost we know is a company that so far this coming and with these numbers you can go ahead with the organization.


Pessimist scenario:

This scenario shows the worst cases models for our organization. is the case that possibly only 2 daily units or 10 least weekly units are sold, which generated losses us such that we cannot continue with business more than two or three months, is a scenario that pessimistic but has a large margin probability of 30%, in which the only possible solution and would loan form a bank or close when before the company so as not to lose more money.


Optimistic this scenario:

in this scenario we expect to sell about 10 units daily, this case the company from the first month would generate profits to pay down debt and capital contribution from already would start with a marketing plan more marked since the second week is we exhaust the inventory to which we would have to make two orders in the month, and for the next month and ask for a little more than double in inventories


First year scenario


Optimistic this scenario:

 the organization would sell about 10 units per day at the beginning and end of 2016 from 30 to 40 units per day, that would be almost 400% of what we expected in the realistic scenario, in this scenario from the beginning would be obtained it gains sufficient to timely pay all debts comfortably, wages of our employees and at the end of the month 9 would recover all the initial capital investments.


Realist scenario:

In this scenario it will expect that at the end of 2016 the organization continue running and start generating profits, which allows us to recover the invested capital at the end of this year we will be very little capital recover. It is expected to be the tenth part of the investment. Also at the end of the period have an average selling 10 chargers per day, and invest part of the profit that remains, in other employee facilities, renew computer equipment or transport vehicle or inventory, to end of the first year we expect to have an excellent market plan and start working on social networks.


Three-year projection:


we know that our company is a company made for the world today, for the needs of today's population, for the next few years it is expected that the growing use of mobile devices such as cell phones and tables grow by 18% in which, the segment will be larger because people seniors and children under 12 are which in the future will use these devices almost the same as the population of which we speak in our present, people from 15 to 50 years


Realistic scenario:

At this point easy charger expects   to have recovered all the invested capital in the second year and a half and already generating net profits with a forecast of a growing customer easy charger by 40%, with the idea a possible expansion in our local and the investment of new products to be like with the latest technology and required


Realistic optimist:

This scenario is quite flattering easy charger expects to grow to the point of selling 80 chargers daily and optimal situation where either the final point and average thereafter with growth doubled compared to the first optimistic year with another local secure investment in a strategic point of the city, possibly a local more to the north in high-tech center, with about 20 employees and an average investment in advertising 1'200000 pesos monthly.


Pessimist scenario:

At this point if the company had continued to operate as insurance not be doing it, would represent possibly millions in losses of more than 30,000,000 million pesos, that is declared in broken bank

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