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They are the requirements to be met by people to fill the jobs efficiently, it can be said that the vacancy is a missing piece in a machine. Replacement and the newly created position will be reported through a requisitioning department recruitment or section responsible for these functions, stating the reasons that are causing, the date must be covered the place, the time which will hire, department, and salary schedule.




Joint efforts of the organization to attract, summon the best qualified staff with greater opportunities for integration. This must be fast and quick response.


The tools used are:


  • Job boards

  • Job fairs

  • Recommended family

  • Door to door in the street

  • Other companies




Process is not only to accept or reject candidates if they do not know their skills and qualities to place it in order to put more features. Based on that every individual can work.


The process of selection in the following steps:


  • Initial interview

  • psychometric tests

  • References

       Medical exam


The interview is conducted by the general manager, where all data are corroborated resume, and open and closed questions are asked for the collection of new relevant information to help the selection.


The manager will realize their abilities , attitudes , character and what is in favor and against other people interested in the position; everything is important , the way they move their arms , sitting down, his gestures , his voice , in fact these aspects sometimes say much more than what you are talking about.


In selection number of selected candidate is less than the number of rejected candidates that is why selection is called negative process also. The main objectives of selection are:


(i) To select the best among the available.

(ii) To make selected candidate realize that how seriously things are done in the organization.


Ultimately, a person is chosen and begins the process of training in the company.




After selection an employee, the most important and established part of the personnel programme is to impart training to the new comer. With the rapid technological changes, the need for training employees is being increasing recognized so as to keep the employees in touch with the new developments.

Every concern must have a systematic training programme otherwise employees will try to learn the job by trial and error which can prove to be a very costly method.


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