Customer Analysis
It is important the customer analysis because is the essential in developing an effective mission statement also helps the company to analyzing evaluating market, positioning strategies.
Our firm conducted a survey that a survey was conducted to know how necessary is the use of the charger,analyzing two types of stocks,taking into account if they knew of the existence of portable chargers and its price in the market, The following results were obtained:surveys show that it is more important for the female population using the charger for the male population (20%), the range of population uses more chargers is between 14 and 20 years,also that portable chargers have great importance in their daily lives,and many spend more than three hours a day loading their devices,it presentsa great interest in obtaining portable chargers because they are considered as facilitators,and the relevant characteristic when the purchase is durability and the capacity provided, apart from having not a high price.
Our customer profile are people between 15- 30 years old, also people that use their electronic devices more than 12 h, that dont have enought time to chager it.