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Represent key opportunities and threats; industries depends havily on Government, political forecast can be determinated the best important part of external audit. (chapter 3, pag 68)


The environmental protection laws are now days a factor that every country must have developed in order to avoid a significant damage in the ecosystem of a country. In Colombia, through the 1991 Politic Constitution, created the law of consideration, management and conservation of natural resources and environment.  Through this politic constitution, the government tries to regulate those interactions between companies and the environment.


ICD Researchā€™s "Defense Expenditure in Colombia to 2016: Market Review" provides a quantitative view of historic and forecast market sizing and budget allocation, a top-level analysis of the market and analysis by segment. The information in this Market Review draws upon ICD Researchā€™s in-depth, primary research and proprietary databases to provide you with robust, segment specific data. It is an essential resource for professionals active across the industry value chain and for new players considering entry into the market. (RESEARCHANDMARKETS, 2016)

For 2015 since now Colombia has decreased itā€™s percentage of spend on defense to 12.9% (28.2 Billion COP). In 2014 this spend was 13.7% (27.7Billion) of the government spend. It is important to note that despite being higher in numbers, the percentage shows the real decrease because the government budget increased from 203 to 216.2 Billion COP.

Legislation on Equal Employment

The Colombian Labor Ministry has the interest in ensuring equality between man and women, it has been approved the law 1496 in 2011 that determinates equal payment for women and men in Colombia. It guarantees and provides mechanisms to prevent all forms of discrimination in labor remuneration. This law is mandatory in public and private sectors.


The Ministry of Labor addresses three vulnerable groups in the Colombian labor market: women, victims of the armed conflict, and victims of human trafficking or forced labor. When it comes to women, the govermentā€™s efforts are driven by three main objectives:

1.      Reducing the rate of unemploymend women in the country as well as gender based segregation for various positions.

2.      Reducing levels of informal female employment in the country as well as gender based segregation for various positions.

3.      Promoting gender equality in the work environment by establishing support networks and control mechanism that guarantee the proper treatment of women in the workplace.

The armed conflict victims are another major concern group for various reasons. In the first place, only 9.5% of said population has access to social security benefits. Secondly, 97.6% of families that have been victims of the war do not have enough income to overcome the poverty line. Even worse, 78.8% of victims do not have enough income to overcome the extreme poverty line (homelessness). Taking the previous factors into account, the government has established a series of initiatives to help educate and help this population compete in the Colombian labor market. For example, various public education institutions have opened courses directed at the proper training of the population in different technical areas required by various industries.

Sources: Equidad Laboral para la lucha contra la Trata de Personas con fines de Trabajo Forzoso. (n.d.). Retrieved August 24, 2015, from

13.Antitrust legislation: The Government is preparing a new antitrust and control status to all unfair practices that occur in the production and marketing of goods and services. There is a very important project related to antitrust legislation to the mobile service companies.The new statute will prohibit agreements that limit the production or distribution of any product. Restrict the chains which are formed with some products from being manufactured until they reach the consumer. Regulate the merger, price manipulation and unfair advertising and extend quality programs. This will make us advance in quality in our operations, making us deliver a fair price and quality in our products.

14. Sino-American relationships: As two world powers, China and the United States have worked closely to maintain the positive equilibrium of economic cooperation.

This year the 35th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the United States met, and the two sides will hold the sixth Strategic economic dialogue (SED). United States welcomes the sound development of China's economy, Lew said, adding that the stable growth of China's economy benefits the United States, while the US recovery also benefits China said.

The economic stability of the world depends on the good developing of this relationship, it is very important for any industry, especially for those that import and export goods.

22. Lobbying activities


In colombia, the lobbying is not a regulated activity, so in that form the activity could go to the corruption, in other countries the lobbying is an regulated activity and is a really successful business, in Colombia there are one article that describes " When there is at least preliminary evidence of the commission of a crime or a disciplinary offense " but it is an useless law, because it only affects when there is an evidence of crime or illegal activity, the lobbying is an important part of the political campaigns and that affects indirectly to the industry, being the external batteries a relatively a new market, the laws to regulate the commerce are new too, so the lobbying activities will affect when the laws are created.

(GOMEZ, 2015)

23.Size of Government budgets

The budget of the government is an important part to the industry and the company, because the government allocates part of the budget to the new companies that are undertaking with new proyects of products, like the Fondo emprender and ā€œIC Foundation supports entrepreneurial projects associative and cooperative nature led by vulnerable population with projects walk without the ability to access the credit systemā€.

(DINERO, 2013)

24. World oil, currency and labor markets

ā€œThe price of oil has fallen about 70% since reaching a peak of $ 116 per barrel in June 2014ā€, the falls of the prices are affecting the oil industry in colombia, and all the world, the OPEP  Venezuela , Saudi Arabia , Qatar and Russia ā€œagreed to freeze its oil production to the levels of January 2016 to deal with the drop in oil prices. But the implementation of the decision is conditional upon the other oil nations follow suitā€, but the fall of the oil around the world doesnā€™t affect our industry because the oil isnā€™t a part of the raw material of our product.

(DINERO, 2016)

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