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We expect that in the first year Easy Charger has at least 10 kinds of products because we are first for entering in the market and it is not easy for a company that sells technology to engage in this competitive sector as there are other companies that have had a long history in selling their products and find it easier to sell. On the other hand, as we progress in our position in this market segment, it is gaining more experience and can do more publicity about our establishment better knowing the expectations and needs of the customer. Also, it is gaining more sales and increases more products of our firm as well as having clear that our products must be in permanent change because customers always tend to have a lot more excited about this technology, so, we must look more products with greater innovation to meet expectations. In conclusion, after two years we expanded our organization and be more competitive in the market.



1.    Our employees must be 5 minutes earlier when the local open very punctual.

2.    If employees take more than 10 minutes to reach them make a report about it and can have consequences in their work.

3.    Employees should be very respectful of customers and other employees.

4.    Employees must respect the culture of the organization.

5.    All departments must communicate so it can be easier to meet the requirements of the high command.

6.    Employees should ask if your service is agreeable.

7.    Employees throughout the organization must have strategies to attract more customers to the local.


1. Supply quality products to our costumers

2. To generate revenues of $50.000.000 COP in the next calendar year

3. Provide the best products and services at the best prices

4. Be integrated to the technological sector to improve the quality

5. be competitive and affordable for our costumers 





1.  a) Minimize costs without lowering the quality of service or product quality.

b) Seek the satisfaction of all consumers, creating strong relationships to build loyalty.


2. a) Optimize resources and distribution to achieve greater sales area and thus cover more market share

b) Optimize resources and distribution to achieve greater sales area and thus cover more market share

c) Selling our boots and looking to acquire new products that we can sell tofinally be recognized as provider, this new ways to meet our customers in a broad field that the future will be reflected as gains at end of period.


3.  a) Always look for the most reliable and best quality suppliers to offer customers the best products.

b) Look to buy in large-scale economy in this way to reduce costs in purchasing, so offer lower prices to consumers


4. a) Know all the changes of the technology that can affect the industry, in that way search the suppliers who have the newest and the best product.

b) Using the experience that we have left our customers by good service andquality of our products, this for our customers recognized easy charger and convey thus the knowledge acquired recognition to others persons and the same way use visual and technological media that help us to know our services


5. a) Giving a good service to the customer

b) Make monthly meetings to relate the development goals together and apart from each department

c) Perform a brainstorming at the regular meetings which provide new ways to resolve the confict that the organization is taking, share information about events that have occurred and how they can address them as business opportunities.

d) Giving a quality products and good price, the idea is achieve that our customers and all time take to a consideration to buy one of our technological divices




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